Pre Engineered School Building

Prefabricated Schools


School buildings PEB facilities using steel fabrication offered can be made available by us in single to three layer finish choices as well as in safe and stable structure finish which makes these highly desired by the customers.

Product Details:
Feature Easily Assembled, Eco Friendly
Yield Strength 345 MPa
Type of Industrial Sheds Heavy
Surface Finish Color Coated
Built Type Prefab
Material Steel

Pre Engineered Buildings (PEBs) are medium to large size steel buildings consisting of primary and secondary steel structural frames resting on civil foundations and suitable roofing, side cladding and water down take arrangements. Each PEB is separately and individually designed to suit the specific application (end use), size and geographical location.

All the primary structural members are shop fabricated as per the specific design, thus ensuring optimum use of steel and thereby reducing the overall cost of the structure considerably. Secondary structural members (purlins, girts, etc) are usually cold rolled steel sections and the roofing and sides cladding can be done using bare/ colour coated galvalume/ G.I. steel sheets.